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How I healed Hashimoto's, an autoimmune condition I had for over a decade!

This is a super vulnerable and transparent post for me. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, Hashimoto's, when I was only 30. Some people who get diagnosed early in the disease process don’t experience it to be as debilitating as I did.

I was trained as an herbalist and Ayurvedic practitioner, so I never went to Western doctors. I thought I was healthy, but after traveling a lot in the Third World, I started having severe food allergies. I went to a naturopathic doctor and got diagnosed with Hashimoto's.

It was shocking to find out that I didn't have the health I thought I had. One in 3 people don’t know they have Hashimoto's. For me by the time I got diagnosed the disease had progressed and I was dangerously hypothyroid. My thyroid wasn’t working and my body was attacking my thyroid which led to scary symptoms like extreme anxiety and heart palpitations.

You can actually die from hypothyroidism which is caused by Hashimoto's. Before there was treatment for this condition which used to be rare people would go crazy from it and even die. Symptoms of Hashimoto's can be mistaken for bipolar if not medically diagnosed. Hashimoto's is becoming more and more common and women are being diagnosed younger and younger in the West. It is considered an epidemic of our time.

I was determined to heal myself and went about reading every book that had been written on the topic and seeing one specialist and healer after the next. I spent a fortune. My husband and I spent all of our money and our savings on doctors and supplements. Back then when I was diagnosed over a decade ago, no one had any answers. It was a chronic illness with no hope of recovery. All the information I found was about living with this for the rest of your life and being miserable. I refused to accept that.

The thyroid medication I was on helped some symptoms but made others worse. I had insomnia for a year straight. I saw naturopathic doctors and went on one crazy diet after the next. I cut everything out of my diet. I even tried eating only raw foods. I practically lived on rice protein powder for a year after my Naturopathic doctor told me all the foods I could never have again. I did cleanses until I literally could not get out of bed. I couldn't write or walk because my joints were so swollen.

Finally some healers got me to start putting meat back in my diet. I had been a vegetarian for over 20 years. I immediately started to feel better. I got my energy back. My sister told me about the paleo diet and I finally found something that worked for my body. I decided to go back to graduate school for somatic psychology as I hoped to find answers there. I did a lot of emotional work on myself but I still struggled with debilitating symptoms. I slowly accepted the debilitating migraines and nausea, lack of energy and insomnia as just normal for me. I hadn’t been able to get my antibodies to come down in a decade and I'd been off gluten the whole time. I had to keep upping my dose of thyroid medicine to have enough energy to function.

I had tried every kind of thyroid medicine out there: synthetic, natural, without additives etc. I ended up on 2 grains of thyroid medicine which seemed like a huge amount and progesterone all month long to control symptoms which made me bleed for a year straight. Doctors wanted to do a hysterectomy and I had to figure out on my own that it was the progesterone that was making me bleed heavily all month long!

I had finished graduate school and was more determined than ever to get better. More books and protocols were starting to come out about how to heal Hashimoto's. I read them all and did all the protocols including Izabella Wentz’s. Some symptoms got better while others got worse.

That’s when my health completely failed me. I got sick with flu-like symptoms that didn't go away for at least a month. I was nauseous 24-7 but couldn't throw up. I was so sick I couldn't sleep. I started having extreme insomnia only sleeping 1-2 hrs a night. When I did sleep I had horrible nightmares. I was only able to eat chicken soup for a month straight as my body wouldn't tolerate anything else. I was shaking and had extreme anxiety like I'd never experienced in my life. My body stopped tolerating the thyroid medication and I had to come off of it quickly in just days. I had to stop taking all of my supplements as my body wouldn't tolerate them. I lost 20 pounds that month. The doctors had no idea what was wrong with me and couldn't help me. They tested me and found I had markers for Lupus, a worse autoimmune condition than I already had. I was terrified and thought I was going to die.

I started praying and meditating all the time as I didn't have energy for anything else and I couldn't sleep. I prayed hard for God to spare my life and help me get better. I called in saints and ascended masters and white light. I was told that I needed to forgive every person who had ever hurt me. I was so sick I was willing to do anything to get better. I agreed to forgive every person I had resentment towards and I even called up people in my family and told them how much I loved them.  I started to feel lighter. I cried everyday for no reason. It was a cleansing experience. Emotion was moved through me effortlessly. It felt good. I was like an iceberg melting in the sun. I felt love and light streaming out of me. I loved everyone, even people who were hateful to me. Anger seemed so foreign to me. I was only love and forgiveness.

I started to get better but I was only able to eat foods on the autoimmune paleo diet without getting extremely nauseous. I found a way to do a high keto version of the AIP to satisfy my love of rich creamy foods and stayed on it for a year. During that time I noticed all the pain, inflammation and fibromyalgia from my body was gone. I was my ideal weight and I looked tone and in shape without having to work out.

My antibodies became nonexistent and the impossible happened. I no longer had Hashimotos! The tests showed it was in remission, a thing of the past. I no longer have food allergies! I've been putting foods back in my diet and am able to tolerate them. Now I can eat a chocolate croissant when I go to France this year! I can sleep. I have energy. Did I mention I have no pain in my body and don’t have to work out to stay in shape!?

Not only am I a therapist (MFT) and coach, more importantly, I am a miracle worker and so are you! I can help you make miracles happen in your life because the power of God and healing is inside you and I believe in that power to heal you and your life. I believe that a combination of lifestyle, diet, and emotional and spiritual healing can heal you and I'm available as a coach to walk with you through that journey.

Blessed Be Dear Ones!


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